Let's get in contact.

Please provide your name and an email that you can be reached at. You can also provide a phone number if that is more convenient. You may also add a personalized message of any pertinent details.

Your message will be securely sent directly to Lori.

Important note: If you are in immediate crisis related to your mental health or addiction, please be advised that Mindful Path does not provide crisis or emergency services. The Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS), by Crisis Services Canada, enables callers anywhere in Canada to access crisis support by phone, in French or English: toll-free 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7



South Shore Location
14 Dufferin Street
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
B0K 1H0
North Shore Location
41 Water Street
Pictou, Nova Scotia
B4V 2E8
Contact Phone